OpenPlant Modeler Help

Ladder - Safety Cage tab

Used to add a safety cage to the ladder.

The wall mounting settings enable only after checking the Safety cage.

Safety cage When checked, enables the shape controls. The shape type and class selection lists provide option to set.
All shape attributes are available for selection.
  • Shape type – Sets the shape type for the safety cage (standard, user shapes, etc.)
  • Shape class – Sets the shape type for the safety cage. Class list varies based on the shape type selection.
  • Shape size – Sets the shape size for the safety cage. Size list varies based on the shape class selection.

Sets the positioning of the safety cage according to the cross beam.

  • Inner Eedge – Inserts the safety cage at the inner edge of the upright and shows to the inside.
  • Centered – Inserts the safety cage in axis position on the height of upright axis.
  • Outer edge – Inserts the safety cage at the outer edge of the upright and shows to the outside.
0 Degree Sets the safety cage rotation. Rotates the shapes around their insertion axis (in increments of 90°).
Mirror When checked, mirrors the safety cage shape along Y-axis, before insertion.
Radius Sets the inner radius of cage stiffeners.
No. of rungs Sets the number of vertical beams that form longitudinal rungs the cage. The bars will be divided regularly on the resulting semicircle.
Lower radius Sets the inner radius at lower edge. Positive radius value creates a conical cage.
Lower distance Sets the distance of the lowest shackle to the next shackle of the cage. When no conical cage is required, keep the Lower distance (and Lower radius) values 0.
Depth Sets the depth of the cage according to the ladder. Please refer to the below figure for the meaning of the other distances.
Distance to Floor Sets the distance from the first shackle of the safety cage to the floor.
Distance Sets the spacing between the safety cage connections. This gives the desired distance of the stiffeners (rings) of the safety cage. The tool divides the distances between the first and last ring regularly according to this specification and the values are rounded up or down correspondingly.
Top Distance Sets the distance from the ladder top to the first shackle.